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Field Experiences

CTP also offers field experiences by providing tours of the Reserve and surrounding areas.  Tours provide a mechanism to feature and discuss issues that affect the Reserve and put relevant CTP programming into context through on-the-ground experience and visual highlighting of the unique setting and challenges, including transboundary coordination.

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Napolitano Restoration Site

Once part of a natural wetland habitat, this 1.25 acre area of land was bought to become a real estate parcel. Even though it was later abandoned due to the site’s government protection, the ecosystem was severely degraded from its original state. Caltrans acquired this site and began their Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) designed to

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Sewage Ponds Restoration

Constructed in the 1930s, these sewage ponds were used up until the 1960s, at which point they were abandoned. Over the next two decades, the ponds gradually filled in. Native salt marsh vegetation began to recolonize the edges, but it remained sparse and never the filled in ponds themselves. Thus, in the 1980s, access was

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