What is technical assistance?
In the context of CTP, technical assistance is a service provided to local and regional coastal decision-makers that supports and contributes to better informed decision-making to improve coastal stewardship. This service generally involves repeated interaction over some period of time.
Other examples of CTP technical assistance include:
- Aiding land trusts or watershed councils with strategic/action planning
- Assisting partners with grant writing
- Creating a publication or website for use by coastal decision-makers
- Planning GIS products (e.g. map of town’s environmental resources, local land acquisition priorities, etc.)
- Facilitating meetings
- Helping state agencies with plan revisions
- Providing survey and evaluation assistance
- Serving in an advisory or leadership role on a committee/watershed group
- Supporting natural resource managers with implementation of best management practices
Are you are a coastal decision-maker interested in receiving technical assistance?
Please contact Kristen Goodrich, Coastal Training Program Coordinator, for more information: kgoodrich(at)trnerrtest.wpengine.com.