Marsh Awareness with Resources for Slough Habitats
Grades 1-6
One of the original education programs of the Tijuana Estuary, M.A.R.S.H. was developed to introduce students to basic wetland & upland ecology and cultural history. The program has two components that vary depending on the grade. In the field, students use hand lenses and binoculars to observe and record upland plants and shore birds with an emphasis on adaptations and/or cultural history. Inside, students may watch a video, play an adaptation game or explore the center and its interactive exhibits. It is not required that students do any of the supplied pre-visit activities although it is encouraged.

Teacher Training
All teachers who participate in M.A.R.S.H. must attend a 1-2 hour orientation and will be provided with optional classroom activities/curriculum as well as required materials for the classroom field trip. Curriculum materials are available in both English and some in Spanish. Contact Jessie Looney at 619-575-3613 ext.306 or
to schedule an orientation.
Learn more about the teacher training opportunities provided by the Tijuana Estuary.
M.A.R.S.H. vs. Estuary Explorers
Are asking yourself “what is the difference is between the M.A.R.S.H. and the Estuary Explorers programs?” Click here for a quick, yet detailed explanation.