NERRS Science Collaborative (NSC)

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Recent and ongoing TRNERR projects

In addition to the day-to-day operations that take place at the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, we have a number of long-term efforts that are broad in scope and span across the Research, Education, Coastal Training, and Stewardship programs. Reserve staff are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a variety of partners on these projects and initiatives, examples of which are provided below.

NERRS’s Niche

This project addresses the impacts of marine debris across National Estuarine Research Reserves, and coordinates the transfer of knowledge toward system-wide strategic planning.

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Resilient Roads and Reserves (R3): Opportunities for Improving Access in California

Through this initiative multiple California Reserves are collaborating to better engage in planning processes involving dual management concerns for flood-vulnerable roads and adjacent coastal habitats. 

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Reciprocal Relationships in Reserves: Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES)

This project transfers knowledge on CES methods through virtual and in-person workshops to ensure their inclusion in natural resource planning and and long-term stewardship strategies.

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Habitat Heartbeats

The Habitat Heartbeats project is developing a monitoring system to integrate living organisms such as oysters and mussels with existing monitoring efforts.

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