Consulte el calendario a continuación para registrarse en todas las oportunidades de TRAM.
El mes de acción por el río Tijuana regresa con una variedad de limpiezas, eventos de restauración, talleres y más. Los eventos se llevarán a cabo en ambos lados de la frontera y cualquiera puede participar desde cualquier lado.
Calendario de eventos de TRAM
CANCELED: Watershed Walk
CANCELED: Watershed Walk
September 14, 20249:00 am - 11:00 am Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, 2721 Monument Rd, San Diego, CA 92154, USA
This event has been canceled in response to local agencies’ concern over hazardous gas levels in the region.
Join us as we explore the watershed at the Tijuana River Regional Park. During this bilingual guided walk, you will learn about the plants, animals, and communities that live along the watershed and depend on clean air and water. This walk will be facilitated and supported by Casa Familiar, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Natural History Museum, Living Coast Discovery Center, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hosted by: San Diego Coastkeeper, the Living Coast Discovery Center, the Natural History Museum, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Casa Familiar, Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Join us in celebration of Tijuana River Action Month and Latino Conservation Week. Ven y celebra la Semana de la Conservación Latina y el Mes de Acción del Río Tijuana (TRAM).
Connect with nature through painting, a native plant walk, and an opportunity to add observations on iNaturalist during this free, bilingual (English/Spanish) family event “Pintura, Plantitas, y Charla” happening at Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday, September 15 from 8:00 am to 10:30 am. Special guest, Dr. Mariana Delgado Fernandez from Expediciones Botanicas will come from Baja California and lead the native plant walk. This event is also supported by the San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego Audubon Society, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and naturalist Hector Valtierra.
An RSVP is highly recommended. We will be shuttling into the refuge and have limited seats. Save your seat today! E-mail Park Ranger Nancy Fernandez at
Conéctese con la naturaleza a través de la pintura, una caminata por las plantas nativas y la oportunidad de agregar observaciones en iNaturalist durante este evento familiar, gratuito y bilingüe (inglés/español) “Pintura, Plantitas, y Charla” que se llevará a cabo en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Tijuana Slough el domingo 15 de septiembre de 8:00 am a 10:30 am. Con nuestra invitada especial, la Dra. Mariana Delgado Fernández de Expediciones Botánicas vendrá desde Baja California y dirigida la caminata de plantas nativas. Este evento también cuenta con el apoyo del Museo de Historia Natural de San Diego, San Diego Audubon Society, el Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de EE. UU. y el naturalista Héctor Valtierra.
Se recomienda confirmar su asistencia ya que nos trasladaremos al refugio y tendremos asientos limitados. ¡Guarda tu asiento hoy! Envíe un correo electrónico a la guardabosques Nancy Fernández a
Organizamos las fiestas del río en Tecate, con la intención de promover la reapropiacion social de la cuenca, dónde incluimos la limpieza, el festival y el paseo canino.
September 21, 20248:30 am - 11:30 am Faro de Playas de Tijuana, Monumental, 22504 Tijuana, B.C., México
Te invitamos a los recorridos, talleres, y plantación de plantas nativas todos los sábados en el jardin de amistad del lado mexicano que está dentro del parque de la amistad.
International Coastal Cleanup Day Celebrated the third Saturday in September, it is the largest beach and waterway cleanup program with data collection in the world. Volunteers from around the world participate each year - clearing tons of trash from coastlines, rivers and lakes. Come make a difference and volunteer locally. To REGISTER and for more information:
This year there are several sites in the Tijuana River Valley to volunteer at:
Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge (end of Seacoast Dr.)
September 21, 20241:30 pm - 4:00 pm Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, 301 Caspian Wy, Imperial Beach, CA 91932, USA
Workshop/Demo at the Visitor Center (September 21st) and Workshop/Demo at the Visitor Center (September 21st) and in Escuela Libre de Arquitectura in Tijuana (September 25th)
Join a series of transformative events uniting binational groups to address environmental health in the Tijuana River Watershed. This workshop, demo, and panel discussion spotlight innovative community-based initiatives using science to tackle ecological challenges. Enhancing binational belonging fosters commitment to sustainable solutions, promoting community engagement in environmental stewardship. Explore data tools and collaborative projects improving water quality and reducing pollution, emphasizing design’s role in driving positive change.
Organizamos las fiestas del río en Tecate, con la intención de promover la reapropiacion social de la cuenca, dónde incluimos la limpieza, el festival y el paseo canino.
September 22, 20249:00 am - 11:00 am Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, 2721 Monument Rd, San Diego, CA 92154, USA
PLEASE NOTE: We are monitoring local agencies’ concerns over hazardous gas levels in the region and may cancel this hike if advised. Please check back for news as we learn more!
Join us as we explore the watershed at the Tijuana River Regional Park. During this bilingual guided walk, you will learn about the plants, animals, and communities that live along the watershed and depend on clean air and water. This walk will be facilitated and supported by Casa Familiar, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Natural History Museum, Living Coast Discovery Center, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hosted by: San Diego Coastkeeper, the Living Coast Discovery Center, the Natural History Museum, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Casa Familiar, Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
September 28, 20248:30 am - 11:30 am Faro de Playas de Tijuana, Monumental, 22504 Tijuana, B.C., México
Te invitamos a los recorridos, talleres, y plantación de plantas nativas todos los sábados en el jardin de amistad del lado mexicano que está dentro del parque de la amistad.
La Red de Acción del Río Tijuana (TRAN) es un esfuerzo liderado por organizaciones de la sociedad civil, grupos comunitarios, dependencias gubernamentales e instituciones académicos de los EE. UU. y México comprometidos con la colaboración transfronteriza para abordar la conservación y restauración de la cuenca del río Tijuana mediante la divulgación, la educación y la defensa de los recursos naturales.