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Recent and ongoing TRNERR projects

In addition to the day-to-day operations that take place at the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, we have a number of long-term efforts that are broad in scope and span across the Research, Education, Coastal Training, and Stewardship programs. Reserve staff are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a variety of partners on these projects and initiatives, examples of which are provided below.

The ResiDUOS Project

The ResiDUOS Project is a 5-pillar approach aimed at improving social-ecological resilience through marine debris prevention and removal in the U.S.-Mexico border region.

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Improving Coastal Resilience through Nature-Based Solutions in Tijuana, MX

This project was co-developed with community members on the front lines of climate change in order to build capacity, transfer knowledge, and build equitable climate resilience through nature-based solutions.

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The FloodRISE project researches the potential for metric resolution flood hazard simulations to enhance flood risk management, helping communities become less vulnerable to flooding disasters.

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